Know the Importance of Clinical Waste Collection Service
Waste Management in the UK requires that all companies operating a commercial establishment adhere to the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Each company is required by law to segregate and dispose of hazardous waste in an efficient and controlled manner. The EPA describes hazardous waste as any material that may cause harm to humans or damage to property, including hazardous drugs. In accordance with the EPA, businesses are also required to keep accurate records of their inventory of hazardous waste, identifying who owns the waste and the quantity that are present.
So why does it matter if you're doing it right? Because if you're not, then you could be subject to fines and penalties as well as legal action. It doesn't matter what type of commercial waste you're dealing with: asbestos, industrial waste, pharmaceutical waste or household waste. You can find out if your company meets the EPA's requirements by contacting a green bin London company.
In 2021 the EPA conducted a study to determine which commercial waste management options were most cost effective for complying with their stringent requirements. The study compared
five commercial waste management options: Compactors, Dump offs, Litter Boxes, Green Bin London and Dumpster Disposal. The results showed that companies that had both compactors and littler boxes had the lowest incidence of exceedances per year; however, those companies that only had one form of waste (a green bin) had the highest incidence of exceedances per year. In light of this, the EPA has established policies and criteria for companies to meet before they can receive approval to operate their business in the UK.
When it comes to household rubbish and industrial waste, companies are not required to segregate the materials. Household waste can contain a wide variety of materials such as paint, oils, fuels, batteries, electronics, fertilizers, medicines and other medical waste, prescription drugs and other chemicals. If you don't segregate your commercial and household rubbish, the waste could mix with the product waste generated at your plant. This could contravene EPA regulations and attract fines and penalties.
Your company could also be fined if they carry out an environmental audit without correctly identifying the type of waste or where the waste is being disposed. For example, medical waste and industrial waste cannot be mistakenly placed in a residential waste container. Neither can industrial waste mixing with household rubbish. This is known as cross contamination. Your company should ensure that they fully understand all regulations and procedures when handling any types of offensive waste and comply with them fully.
Your company may also be fined if they carry out an environmental audit but fail to report the results. If a business carries out any kind of non-compliance and they are caught, they are liable to a fine. So ensure that all your staff carry out clinical waste collection services in Essex correctly and fully. A fine is the maximum penalty that you could be issued for not completing the correct forms and not reporting the results of any survey.
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